💰Savings categories
Track your savings
Last updated
Track your savings
Last updated
Luna was originally built without savings categories in mind (and if the primary purpose is to help you reduce spending, you don't really need to use it).
However, some people want to keep track of how much they are saving and you can do that by creating a savings category.
This category will appear on the home screen and acts a little differently than the weekly/monthly categories.
The amount for these categories is more of a "goal" and when you add expenses to this category its actually a good thing. It means you are "funding" this category rather than taking way from it. So you'll see the right hand column represents how much you have "funded" into the category.
Luna has a feature that allows you to track accounts like bank accounts and credit cards.
Transactions in savings categories can be linked to an account BUT they will not impact the account balance. This is because most people tracking savings aren't actually spending the money (or moving it around) but instead just making a note of it.
If you want this to function differently, feel free to open a feedback item on the feedback board!
If you select a savings category and an account at the same time, we'll display a warning that it won't impact this accounts balance.